Ok so my lesbian acquaintance or former friend whichever invites me to a cookout or whatever. She has recently moved into her grandmother's house who is in TnT sick and her uncle is in the process of migrating to TnT because his wife is already there legally unable to stay in the US anymore. So she has been fixing the place up etc.
So she invites me to it and says if I want to come ask my housemate if she is coming cuz she was invited too and if not she would give me a ride. Well I weigh the free food vs being around my housemate (we haven't spoken in a while, no animosity its just that she hasn't knocked on my door and I haven't knocked on hers) so I don't feel like going out and being all social with her, as well as the lesbian who I havent spoken to in a while - I'm wondering why she even invited me.
So I call and say I wont be going out to the house and she says well ok and it wasn't at the house anyway.
So I'm like, so where was it going to be?
In Hyattsville.
So I'm like since I dont know where its gonna be aight talk to you sometime.
How can you invite someone somewhere without giving them the facts of the occasion. Now the only thing I can come up with is that she was inviting me to her partner's place. When I was apt hunting she did mention that the person found affordable housing in that area, and also that they would be doing a semester abroad or at a different school etc. so I am gonna assume that this was a bon voyage cook out.
I know I may sound paranoid but bet you she comes on msn or hi5 posting pics from the occasion. I'm glad I refused to go but wonder how crazy she is to take me somewhere I would not be comfortable and around someone (her chick) I am not even friends with. (I met her once, and I also met the lesbian's "other friend" by chance another time and she was like "Oh this is (the) Taj" looking at me up and down sizing me up I guess to see if I was worth all the speculation from whatever they had discussed about me in the past. No I'm not Medusa you wont turn to stone and no I'm not a frothing at the mouth lesbian hater - I am simply uncomfortable when a friend tells me that for years they have been in love with me as if the friendship is supposed to go a step further)
True her aunt lives around the same area but something has to be up why she wouldn't just TELL ME. There is a cookout for so and so at xyz...she should know by now how anal I am about things like this.
Steups tryna bribe a broke student with free food. What a fucking acquaintence/ friend, talking to me on msn with all of that take care, god bless you bull.
isn't god bless you supposed to be a great tiding period, not to me it depends on who says it, to me its like black magic/hex if someone you mistrust or don't care for wishes you the best with god's force behind it.
Or less dramatically put its insincere.
I have hunches and a lot of the time they are sewn together from seemingly insignificant meaningless threads of information, however my intuition is usually dead on and I believe that bitch tried to bamboozle me into attending her girlfriend's goodbye party knowing full well that if I knew everything I would never attend.
Dishonest bitch.
I need some real friends in my life.
Oh and of course I'm still hungry...really hungry.
Hmmm I hear a lot of racket going on sounds like my housemate is moving out...I wonder if she will tell me bye or does she expect me to knock on her door and say bye?
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