Am I needy?
I don't think so.
Since Friday my phone has rung a total of 3 times, one was the lesbian, one was a friend from NY and the other was the Remax agent for the house I live in.
3 days, three calls 2 on one day 1 on another and 0 on one.
I can't even think of anyone in my phone book I would call - I mean I already called them during the week when my phone didn't ring at all so I think that I've used up my quota of calling them.
Its Sunday and my mom hasn't called. I wonder how come at least if thats the only call I expect to get come sunday morning...its now 3:50PM. Ah well I'm sure there's a good reason.
Why am I always on the fringes of my friends, confiding never at all to barely in few. Why do I feel the need to be like this?
The Tempest
My blog privacy was invaded by a snooping ex so I've created a new address filled with old and new junk. Enjoy, run screaming, or pull your hair out. Proceed!
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