Ex EX eX x X
Ok so I'm chatting with my ex on messenger and he asks me what's a nice way you can tell a girl you are not interested.
Knowing that he's been seeing someone since January and has had sex with her many times and its been enjoyed by both my response is the best thing to do is be honest but regardless of what you say she is going to internalize it as rejection and blame her self and think that the fault is with her rather than it wasn't meant to be.
So apparently she is sprung over him which is understandable: he is goodlooking, caring, a successful young engineer and generally a great guy. She is still sprung even when he told her he still has a thing for his ex (me) and irregardless of that just isn't interested in being tied down in a relationship he wants to enjoy himself outside of the boyfriend girlfriend scene. (I have been his only girlfriend to date and he hadn't had much of the boy/girl mess around relationship in highschool). She says she is willing to wait. I wish her luck with that.
Meanwhile he presses me for a better answer of what he should say cuz he needs it for the aforementioned girl...let's call her J. as well as for this new girl he wants to start dating. Well well, so I ask him when he met her etc and he tells me and immediately I tie it back it to something he told me. See he told me about that day but him meeting that girl wasn't included in it. He described the outing where he went with his friends what they did the jokes everything but didn't mention this girl. So I asked was it the same day when....xyz happened he's like Yeah how did you know that?
So he needs to figure out how to construct his exit clause for J. as well as this new girl who will eventually reach J's fate.
How great is his life...when I can't even meet one person I am interested in that's in the same country (that's another story).
How great is his life when I actually felt loss when he didn't apply to grad school on time and won't be in the same country as me.
Pretty useless feeling bad and disappointed right?
Well couple this with an article he sent me by email today. Mind you we were both virgins and went about 2 1/2 years of 3 being in a committed relationship and ALWAYS using a condom...We always had one, we were naive virgins never thinking that having sex without a condom could feel any different.
I'm not mad at him. He makes a good point.
But whether it's the coldness of a forwarded email from him forwarded from J. that makes me upset or just feeling judged or just feeling that we keep on getting so off-track to getting back together....Sigh.
I knew the rest of the week was gonna suck.
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