The Tempest

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Saturday, May 13, 2006


I couldn't help it....
I just like this memory of us

We are standing around in an outdoor party and some of our friends and my cousin is there. I'm just leaning near you enjoying the vibe then I tiptoe and whisper "I wish I could kiss you right now."
You smile lean down and tell me, "Go ahead".
I bow my head, blush, shake my head and laugh.
You shake your head, poke my stomach and call me a punk...and you're right I am a punk.
Clint starts some stupid debate with a sexual innuendo I forget and the whole group is just rockin and on the floor...he's so silly then you touch me at the small of my back draw me in near to your chest and kiss me.
It's so simple and you ask with a smile, "What was so hard about that?"
Then my hands are automatically around your neck I'm so happy and caught up I wanna leave the party right now...then you kiss me on my neck and I KNOW everyone else pretends like they're blind and oblivious to us...but not really.
I know they are happy for us.
I know they are happy for us while it lasts.


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