The Tempest

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Oh Gorm

Ok well I home in de damn heat....actually it not that hot and actually I wouldn't even complain about that. Gladdddddddddddd to be home see friends and family and eat some excellent food and to meet the new generation of crumb snatchers. Like everybody have ah lil one...where is MINE. They sooo sweet and cute and surprisingly good. Nobody is complaining about the middle of the night feeding they seem to sleep straight thru the night. With any luck and my karma my baby alone will be unlike the new breed and get up at least 3 times for the night to be fed. Sigh. But they really are sweetiepies and they will be saying Auntie T by next Christmas.
Ohmigosh I almost did not recognize my own cousin he is sooooooo talllllllllllllll of course taller than be by about 3 inches and he is only 16yrs old. He also a lil skinny but he trying to work on it...more on my findings with that later.
The family I left wasn't the same one that I met on this vacation lets just say its a lil fractured and the person that I should be annoyed with I can't bring myself to be annoyed with cuz he's like my favorite uncle. But in the words of Chris Rock from that movie...."That 'aint right." Hmmm still waiting for some friends to come home so start liming but I not to sure if they will be caught up with boyfriends....seems like everybody import ah boyfriend ain't none of dem natives. Steupssssssssssssssssssss (hiss of annoyance)

Oh gosh and of course I came just in time to help with Christmas cleaning gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Curtains, cobwebbing etc etc
Oh there is this new mom and son living nearby and the son is my lil cousin (David) age. The lil boy's name is ...................................................RAINBOW. Sigh and the other day a boy name Usher come knocking on our door to see if David brother Kevin was over here. Oh boy ay! Mom tryna explain to me that Rainbow mom is a Bahai. I mean I've heard of them but I ent too sure what their religion is about.

Anyway even tho the boy is a Bahai I figure he and David must be perfect for each other. Anyone know this new calypso. summin bout

Wet mih
Wet mih
Well I don't know how this 11 and 9 year old know de song but dey both equally slack. Picture two impish skinny little boys; one wit his hands up wining fuh dear life and de odda spraying him wit a hose singing the chorus above. Well I stand there in shock fuh ah while then David realize I was watching and it was hil-ar-ious to see him try to get Rainbow to stop wining. Man I laugh till ah cry. Those two are some slackers. Now all I have to do is think "wet mih" and I burst into scandalous peals of laughter and have ppl watching mih funny. Well yes. I wonder if they really know what de song mean... I guess so. Hmmmm I was reminded when Itold mom about it that I wasn't much better. One time a local comedian, Tommy Joseph, on par with Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle with the descriptive sexual inuendoes, had a comedy show and per usual I was dragged out to basically entertain myself at the event while the adults sat down and listened to jokes. Well on one of my exploration breaks, well maybe it was more to sit and eat popcorn and soda, I came and sat near to mom and started listening to the show. Well Mom doesn't remember the joke but it was verrrrrrrrrry rude and inappropriate..... well fuh a 6-7 yr old. She said I laughed sooooooooo hard everybody was looking around and she basically clap her hand ovah my mouth and just drag me out of the seating area. Maybe I got licks I doan even remember...I don't even remember the incident but she said that night she wanted to die. People were probably wondering what kind of conversations we accustomed having home.

Oh and well I told her about the boycott of Barron and she laughed then added on "that night is like you were more vex dan (than) de patrons. Telling people 'Take your time, take your time!' When they were trying to get their money back. Sometimes I don't know what used to possess you."
Yeah I'm snickering but apparently I was really bad. When ppl recount to me memories of my youth. Birth to about 11 yrs old apparently I was de baddest. I took de licks and still did my own thing. Thank God for the intimidation of high school or else I would have never gotten my act together. I guess as an aquarian I'm stubborn and independent and scorpios feel they must be in charge and know it all. I dunno but I can say now it costs nothing to beat your kids...cuz right now I don't even remember half the things I got really bad licks for....hmmm that might be because of the beatings. Hmmmmmm.............................

So much more is happening but I ent have enough time or else I won't be living my vacation so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Wet mih down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Blogger Dancer said...

oh goorrmm!! ah jealous I here freezin meh ass off....Have a merry merry christmas and a prosperous New Year...oh and stay safe:)

5:04 PM  
Blogger Taj said...

I will thank you :) So much so I extended my ticket! Lord why do I act like I'm not a student?

12:15 PM  

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