The Tempest

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Monday, July 18, 2005

On the real I don’t want to have sex with you. Keeping it platonic…

Sometimes I don’t think I’m a nice person, sometimes I actually try to look unapproachable, yet people still approach me. Then a lot of the time I wonder about the vibe I give out because of the people that approach me. (Quick overview: lots of older 40 something guys, a 20 something guy that was recently freed from jail, African dudes… no hard feelings but so far they have proven the stereotypes, and guys who I know don’t want commitment, which is fine for me I don’t want it either. Not a good look) I make friends because I probably admire something about that person and since everyone wants something from someone, what I want is jus the casual joy of talking bullshit, talking about important issues and laughs in general. I don’t think I’m a particularly paranoid person but I sometimes don’t feel good about my new friends and some of my male friends. My definition of new, four/five years ago to the present. Yes, I know I have issues.
Ok back to the sex part. Most times my boyfriends were my friends first then we made the transition, but then again most people consider their “other” like a best friend. So it’s disturbing when because you’re extremely particular about your friends you end up with male friends who are a pool of potential boyfriends or more honestly better than average prospects for having sex. Hmm, what’s a girl to do? I’ve had bad sex, but I’m also an optimistic person and that sometimes overrides my instincts. Chances are if you think its going to be bad chances are you're right.
So to get back on track, I asked a guy what can a girl do to turn a guy off that already likes her. Maybe he is 'idea challenged' but he had absolutely no ideas. Even I had one I idea more than him…constantly talk about how great or horrible – great may be more effective – your ex—boyfriend was.
We’re in a world where you don’t need to make up an excuse to have sex. Oh we have the same favorite color! Oh! Your name starts with an S! We both like the same music! It’s like you fall, slip and you created the potential hookup right there. What really solid reasons do we have not to have sex? Sex is sex. Its natural, its physical, then there are the social mores and stereotypes that affect how we have, when we have, how often, with whom and a whole bunch of stuff about sex.

Interestingly enough this is my horoscope for today:

January 20 - February 17 Today is a powerful day for you, dear Aquarius. Your emotions may be a bit stubborn but realize the very thing you are resisting is the very thing you need the most. Consider making a major change in your life that will help bring about a more healthy balance between you and the people you associate with. It may be time for a whole new outlook on how you deal with your relationships with others.


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